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  • Writer's pictureRafael Jordan

Everything You Need to Know About American Airlines Pregnancy Policy

Updated: May 7

Flying while pregnant can raise a lot of questions and concerns. As one of the major airlines in the United States, American Airlines has specific policies and guidelines in place for pregnant travelers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover all the essential details regarding American Airlines pregnancy policy.

Does American Airlines Allow Pregnant Women to travel?

The short answer is yes, American Airlines does allow pregnant women to fly. However, there are certain restrictions and recommendations based on the stage of pregnancy. It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before booking a flight, especially if you're in the later stages of pregnancy or have any pregnancy-related complications.

How to reserve a flight ticket for a Pregnant Woman on American Airlines?

Booking a flight for a pregnant woman on American Airlines can be done conveniently through several methods, depending on your preference for online convenience, personal interaction via phone, or direct service at the airport. Here’s a comprehensive guide for each method:

By online method:

  • Step 1: Visit the American Airlines website and click on the "Book a Flight" option.

  • Step 2: Enter your travel details, such as the departure and arrival cities, dates, and the number of passengers.

  • Step 3: During the booking process, there will be an option to select "Special Assistance." Click on that and indicate that you are pregnant.

  • Step 4: You can then request any special accommodations, such as a preferred seat (aisle or bulkhead), assistance with carrying luggage, or a bassinet.

  • Step 5: If you are traveling after the 36th week of pregnancy, you will need to provide a medical certificate from your obstetrician or midwife, dated within 72 hours of your departure, confirming that you are fit to travel.

  • Step 6: Complete the booking process and make the payment.

By offline method:

  • Step 1: Contact a travel agent or call American Airlines booking phone number at 800-433-7300.

  • Step 2: Inform the agent that you are booking a flight ticket for a pregnant woman and provide your travel details.

  • Step 3: Request any special accommodations, such as a preferred seat, assistance with luggage, or a bassinet.

  • Step 4: Provide the necessary information and complete the booking process.3

At the Airport Method:

  • Step 1: Arrive at the airport well in advance of your scheduled departure time.

  • Step 2: Proceed to the American Airlines check-in counter or kiosk.

  • Step 3: Inform the airline staff that you are pregnant and provide your travel details.

  • Step 4: Request any special accommodations, such as a preferred seat, assistance with luggage, or a bassinet.

  •  Step 5: The airline staff will assist you with the booking process and provide any necessary guidance or assistance.

Regardless of the method you choose, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before traveling, especially if you're in the later stages of pregnancy or have any complications.

How Many Weeks Pregnant Can You Fly American Airlines?

American Airlines has set guidelines for pregnant travelers based on the number of weeks of gestation:

  • For uncomplicated pregnancies, pregnant women can fly on American Airlines up to their 36th week of pregnancy.

  • After the 36th week, American Airlines requires a medical certificate from your obstetrician or midwife, dated within 72 hours of your departure, confirming that you are fit to travel.

  • Without a medical certificate, pregnant women will not be permitted to travel after the 36th week of pregnancy.

  • It's important to note that these guidelines are subject to change, and it's always advisable to check with American Airlines for the latest policies before booking your flight.

What are the rules for Pregnant Women to travel on American airline?

In addition to the gestational age restrictions, American Airlines has a few other rules and recommendations for pregnant travelers:

  • Pregnant women should check with their healthcare provider before traveling, especially if they have any pregnancy-related complications or are at risk of premature labor.

  • American Airlines recommends that pregnant women avoid traveling within seven days of their due date.

  • Pregnant women are advised to carry a copy of their medical records and any necessary medications with them during their travel.

  • American Airlines recommends that pregnant women stay hydrated and move around periodically during the flight to improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

  • Pregnant women should inform the airline staff of their condition before boarding, as they may need special assistance or accommodations.

Does American Airlines give Pre-boarding to Pregnant Women?

Yes, American Airlines does offer boarding priority to pregnant women. Pregnant travelers are typically included in the pre-boarding group, which allows them to board the aircraft before the general boarding process begins. This ensures that pregnant women have ample time to find their seats and get settled comfortably before the cabin becomes crowded.

What is the best seat American airlines flight for a Pregnant lady?

While there is no specific "best" seat designated for pregnant women on American Airlines, there are a few seating considerations that can make the flight more comfortable:

  • Aisle seats: Aisle seats provide easy access to the restroom and allow for more leg room and movement during the flight.

  • Bulkhead seats: Bulkhead seats, located near the partition between cabins, offer extra legroom, which can be beneficial for pregnant women.

  • Exit row seats: These seats typically have more legroom, but pregnant women may not be permitted to sit in exit rows due to safety regulations.

It's always a good idea to inform the airline about your pregnancy when booking your seat, as they may be able to accommodate your preferences or provide additional guidance.

Final Conclusion

By understanding American Airlines pregnancy policy and following the guidelines, you can help ensure a comfortable and safe travel experience. If you have any specific concerns or questions, don't hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider and the airline's customer service representatives.

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